Black Lives Matter as long as you give me your money and attention.

A little less than 2 years ago, different cities around the world echoed the death of the American George Floyd at the hands of a white-skinned police officer. Unfortunate event that occurred in the city of Minneapolis, United States. Since that day, citizens from all over the world took to the streets in each of their localities to demand Justice in the face of such an event and condemn the alleged Racism that exists in this country. Similarly, the news was shared by Presidents, celebrities and influencers from around the world on the different communication platforms currently in existence, thus creating a wave of criteria and attacks of all kinds.

A year later in Cuba. On July 11, 2021, the people of this country decide to take to the streets and peacefully demand their Freedom, which ended in the death and disappearance of hundreds of Cubans of all races, white, black, Asian, etc. At that time most countries in America, Europe and even Asia were aware of these events, however, no one had the courage to speak out and publicly condemn the violence exerted by the Cuban Dictatorship on its citizens.

Where is the shame of the people of this world or is it that perhaps only the lives of black Americans matter?

Where is the common criteria and the repudiation of violence by international societies regarding the events that have been news in Cuba?

What racism do all those people who publicly expressed their disagreement with what happened in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020 condemn?

Where was BLM on July 11, 2022?

These are questions that only a Cuban asks himself in the midst of so much pain and frustration. At present and for several decades now it is common to see this type of behavior in many, everything has been summed up in creating situations that divide our society in order to control and manipulate our behavior and state of opinion. Where the media and people with influence in them do not provide solutions, they are simply dedicated to creating more controversy in order to be the focus of attention and thereby earn money. *There is nothing wrong with making money, the problem is the means by which you do it. Not only black lives matter. We are all important in this society. Asian, Black, White, Latino, Indian, Pink, Green, Blue, and even Red!

The people who have lost their lives in Cuba have done so in the hope of achieving Freedom and establishing a Society of Rights. A just cause or rather, the most just of causes! These people are not or have been sponsored by an institution whose managers buy mansions in the richest towns in the United States with taxpayer money. They are simply dignified and hard-working people like Cubans.

Black Lives Matters as long as you give me your money and attention.

An association of the Left that supports a deceased Dictator such as Fidel, a man who has caused so much damage to the Cuban people. Furthermore, it is the same institution that follows, promotes and enhances the image of Ernesto Che Guevara, a coward who never knew the meaning of the word mercy. The damage that government ideologies such as Socialism and Communism cause and have caused throughout history should in no way be promoted. The actions of this institution are not ignorance or coincidence, it is a plan that they are correctly executing.

Ignorance and its consequences.

The media has portrayed BLM as an institution that promotes itself as championing a racial cause. An organization that creates a victim mentality not only in the black community of the United States, to then give them free things and make them believe that they deserve these free benefits because they are the same, the most oppressed sector of society. Strategies like these only know those of us who have lived and suffered a system of Socialist or Communist Government, so we know the consequences of applying these policies. A person born in a free country would never have any idea of ​​the misfortune that these practices entail, which is why they accept, support and see in them the solution to a situation that they themselves have created. BLM is the same institution that carries out large publicity campaigns with its brand and profits from the pain and feelings of billions of citizens who all over the world, regardless of their skin color, feel identified with this cause and find in the speech of this institution the solution to a problem created by themselves. An organization that believes in Socialism but all its leaders live in a free and capitalist society. An association that does not educate if not quite the opposite. I’m Sorry but this organization does not represent me. Live in a Democratic country, a State of Rights where private property and individual natural rights of each person are respected. It has been the key to eradicating racism almost entirely. It is true that there are still misunderstandings between different ethnic groups that coexist with each other in our societies, but all this conflict is a personal issue for each one. There can be many causes, although the most obvious is envy. The envy that a human being can feel of another for any reason, whether physical, economic or cultural. Racism has been the merely economic term used to name these behaviors. No matter your skin color, in today's society you will pay with jail for any criminal act committed, your efforts and sacrifices in life will have a payment, whether spiritual or economic, all depending on the individual goal of each one. If Racism existed as many claim, it would be impossible to see as many black-skinned millionaire athletes as it happens today and this is just one example among thousands.

Society is not perfect, it is too far from it, but naming our natural differences with the word Racism in the middle of 2022 seems to be a thing of people from previous civilizations. That's why organizations like BLM exist.

